
Jolts of positivity

I get these jolts of positive thoughts sometimes,like...I should eat healthier,I should be more active and do stuff.
Usually I ignore them honestly, because why do exercise and healthy things when I can just go on Tumblr, listen to music and eat cereal all day?

Today,I had one of those jolts of positivity and actually did something.

I went to the GYM, I have never been near or inside a gym EVER.
I went with a friend because I didn't want to go alone (thank god I didn't go alone).
I needed her for every single machine there was, because I had no idea what I was doing.
Went on some of the machines (I didn't fancy lifting weights so I clearly avoided them and the scary looking men lifting them) and oh my god was I in pain. But pain is good right? If it hurts It's  supposed to be working yes?

Two hours passed and I was done. We agreed (my friend and I) that we were going to do two hours and then we'd go home. I was so glad it was over. I'm home now and I'm going to have a nice hot shower and change into my PJ's and have sunday dinner on a monday. Because thats the kind of person I am.

What have you guys been up to today?

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